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CIC Kensington: Pengumuman Minggu, 2 Maret 2025

1. Kolekte dapat dilakukan melalui bank transfer ke Bank Account yang baru:
BSB: 082 356
Account No: 265858707
Name: Catholic Indonesian Community

Kolekte 1 – digunakan untuk living expense chaplain, dan selebihnya diserahkan kepada keuskupan Sydney.
Kolekte 2 – dikelola oleh CIC Sydney. Hasil kolekte ini akan membantu penyelenggaraan kegiatan-kegiatan CIC Sydney.

2. Misa Rabu Abu akan diadakan tanggal 5 Maret 2025, bertempat di Gereja OLR Kensington, jam 8pm.

3. Jalan Salib, dilanjutkan Jumat Pertama & Adorasi akan diadakan tanggal 7 Maret 2025, bertempat di Gereja OLR
Kensington. Jalan Salib dimulai jam 6.30pm dan dilanjutkan dengan Jumat Pertama jam 7pm.

4. CIC Kensington mengundang umat sekalian untuk membuka rahmat hati kita kepada Allah di masa Pra Paskah
ini bersama Romo Agustinus Handoko MSC melalui Renungan Pra Paskah dengan tema, Kepedulian Lebih kepada Saudara yang Lemah dan Miskin
Setiap hari Rabu, jam 20:00 – 21:30
12 Mar 2025
19 Mar 2025
26 Mar 2025
2 Apr 2025
Zoom Meeting Details:
Meeting ID: 829 0579 4121
Passcode: prapaskah
Contact: Michael 0414045848

    5. Sie Prodiakon CIC Kensington memerlukan anggota baru. Bagi umat yang tertarik untuk bergabung atau punya nama-nama calon yang ingin diusulkan, dapat menghubungi: Yuvensius 0409 449 987 atau Eddy 0431 533 840.

    6. Kensington Youth Ministry next gathering,
    Date: Sunday, 9th March 2024
    Place: Jubilee Hall, Kensington
    Time: 11am (after Kensington local mass)
    Games – Praise and Worship – Bible Study – Sharing
    CP: Shilla 0410008038

    7. KKI St. Faustina CIC-Sydney akan mengadakan Kursus Dasar Lanjutan Kerahiman Ilahi,
    Waktu: tgl 17 Februari s/d 31 Maret 2025, selama 7 X pertemuan
    Zoom meeting, dengan jadwal sesuai flyer.
    Pendaftaran: Ninik 0449 782 105, dengan biaya sebesar $ 10 ke rek. NAB 082332 540664502, a/n Pilliana Harjanto.

    8. Kelompok Pendalaman Alkitab Sydney presents Woman Enrichment Seminar Life is a journey filled with different seasons, each bringing its own joys, challenges, and lessons. As Catholic women, we are called to walk this path with faith, trust, and sisterhood. Whether you’re single and discerning your vocation, engaged and preparing for marriage, navigating the beauty and struggles of motherhood, or embracing the wisdom of your later years, you are not alone.
    Join us for a heartfelt gathering where we will celebrate our unique journeys, rooted in God’s love. Together, we’ll share
    stories, lift each other up, and find strength in our faith.
    Through encouragement, prayer, and meaningful connections, we’ll discover how God’s plan unfolds beautifully in every season of life.
    Hari: Sabtu 15 Maret 2025, 12:00-20:00 PM
    Minggu 16 Maret 2025, 09:30-17:00 PM
    Tempat: Gunnamatta Pavilion, Cronulla NSW (Venue 3 mins walk from Cronulla Station)

    Biaya: $40 (meals & snack provided)

    Speaker: Ibu Cun Wahono (PD Thomas Jakarta) & Dr Sandy Onie (Psychology and Mental Health Specialist)

      Aurel Marcella – 0411 189 135
      Juventius Kevin – 0450 235 470

      Please fill the below form to register:
      Mari bergabung dalam acara lengkap dengan misa bersama dipimpin oleh Rm Handoko, praise worship, pelayanan
      pendoaan pribadi, talk show serta kesaksian dari narasumber2.

      9. OLR Parish, in collaboration with Eastern Deanery, is excited to be hosting weekly Lenten talks in preparation for Easter.
      You are invited to attend as many as you like.
      This year, Charbel Raish is coming to our parish to share No Greater Love – a profound reflection on Christ’s sacrifice and
      God’s immense love for us.
      📅 Date: 5 Wednesdays from 12 March
      🕒 Time: 6:30 PM supper; 7 PM talk
      📍 Location: Jubilee Hall, Kensington
      Don’t miss this opportunity to grow in faith this Lent Season!
      See you there

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