PDMKK Sydney: Yes, Sir!

by | Oct 22, 2021 | PDMKK | 0 comments

Shalom CIC Sydney, sehubung dengan adanya acara PD pada Sabtu ini, kami memperbaharui detail untuk acara PD kami minggu ini.

Berikut detail acaranya:
Judul PD: Yes, Sir!
Blurb: “I know the power obedience has of making things easy which seem impossible” – St Teresa of Avila

Saying yes to God is never an easy task, however, when we do it brings glory to God, gives us freedom, and allows us to enter His plan with a willing heart.

Hari/tanggal: Sabtu, 23 October 2021
Jam: 17.30 (waktu Sydney) atau 13.30 WIB
Zoom Meeting ID: 851 7985 9179
Password: PDMKK

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi
Anthony 0433 468 974
